Sperm and egg donors give the gift of parenthood.

Sometimes the gift is anonymous, and other donors are excited to help their friends or relatives.  Often, the parties are so much in agreement that the potential risks just never occur to them.

The odds of a dispute are relatively low, but they do exist and the stakes are tremendously high. It is critical to have a legal document establishing that the intended parents have all parental rights and responsibilities, and the donor has none. Likewise, all parties need to record their intentions about how to handle unused genetic material.

Contact us if you need representation for an egg or sperm donor agreement.

Sperm and egg donors give the gift of parenthood.

Sometimes the gift is anonymous, and other donors are excited to help their friends or relatives.  Often, the parties are so much in agreement that the potential risks just never occur to them.

The odds of a dispute are relatively low, but they do exist and the stakes are tremendously high. It is critical to have a legal document establishing that the intended parents have all parental rights and responsibilities, and the donor has none. Likewise, all parties need to record their intentions about how to handle unused genetic material.

Contact us if you need representation for an egg or sperm donor agreement.